Coding and Web Design

Asides on programing, languages, and mostly web design, page 2.

Topography and Hyphenation

Coding and Web Design

I’m a sucker for topography, something I really enjoyed in college when using LaTeX to get really cool looking printouts. A lot of that fun was lost with I started using applications like Word that do a pretty good job of kerning and hyphenating text without you having to do anything. Using (X)HTML I often just let the browser do what it does, even if it leaves a lot to be desired. This changed today when reading A List Apart’s wonderful article The Look That Says Book.

CSS Fun and Standards

Coding and Web Design

I’ve playing around with other CMS systems lately to get a feel for what is out there. I recently had the opportunity to hack around in WordPress and ran across a neat little utility in some of their docs. It is an external Online CSS Optimiser/Optimizer that does some CSS compression.

Reflective Fun

Coding and Web Design

I’ve been using Reflection.js for some time now to generate reflective category images. I did this mainly to avoid having to create the reflections by hand. However, it has always had a bit of a lag when generating the reflections. This can be a bit jarring at times, but I’ve gotten used to it.

Fixing Code

Coding and Web Design

I really haven’t liked the way the code routine displays on my blog. It adds a lot of white space and generally looks bad. To make things a bit nicer, I removed the Code: message, set the overflow to auto instead of scroll, and I removed the extra breaks.

Avoiding Index

Coding and Web Design

One thing that always bugged me with using scripts is that you tend to see the script name. For example, this site has always had an index.cgi and most PHP sites have index.php in the links. I find it tacky and many commercial sites don’t do this. I don’t want to change my software, so there has to be a way around this problem. The search is on!

Looking Forward

Coding and Web Design

It has been almost three years now running on my current web site design. Sure I've changed elements here and there, mostly due to changing underlying software, yet it is starting to feel a bit old to me. The problem to me is where to start. Is it color? Is it it form?

Not Having Any Fun with IE8

Coding and Web Design

I got around to upgrading IE8 to the latest beta 2 today. Mostly, I wanted to see if they had fixed the float issues. Well, they had — at least the float that was also broke on Microsoft’s own site now worked. However, my site still had a problem. Well, I tracked it down to a very odd behavior with the   entity. Unlike most browers, IE8 breaks lines oddly with   and messes up CSS width. Unlike other browers, when this happens, IE8 drops the float to the bottom instead of letting it just break the width. Considering that this is the only browser with this behavior, it will be interesting to see if it makes it into the final version.

Minor Fixes on my Dynamic Userbars

Coding and Web Design

I noticed a few errors with my 360voice Dynamic Userbars today, so I decided I should probably fix them. One was with my watched list. I limit the list to 20, but it wasn’t actually working properly for users not watching anyone. The other bug was in challenges where it would stop displaying members after it found the callers gamertag. Fortunately, both were easy fixes.

Embed, Object, and Standards

Coding and Web Design

When I added that visitor map yesterday, I wasn’t all that concerned that it used an embed object. That is, I wasn’t concerned till I tried to validate my site. It isn’t something I do that often, but I’d made enough changes that I thought it would be a good idea. I expected a few validation errors, I tend to forget to encode the ampersands in URL’s, but I was surprised about all the errors around the embed tag. I don’t tend to play with plug-in’s myself, so I was blissfully unaware that the standards based tag is object. Although I’m not a big standards freak, I do like to see my pages validate. I was on a mission.

Fun with Reflections

Coding and Web Design

In playing around with iTunes, I really like the way the CoverFlow looks, especially the reflections. So, I started searching around to see if there was something similar for Vista. I didn’t find any finders, but I did run into a few javascript scripts that had some neat features.

Minor Tweaks

Coding and Web Design

Must be a coding night for me, as I’ve been cleaning up a few things and fixing bugs. First up, I’ve been tweaking the way the tags display on the site. I added the ability to limit the tag cloud display and then did just that in the plugin. Now, only the top 25 tags show. I also now sort case insensitive. I also added a “View All Tags” link, since I don’t display all the tags by default.

RSS Pains

Coding and Web Design

You would think that using an standard would mean that your RSS feed would work just about everywhere. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to always be the case. All those RSS 2.0 fixes I did on my site seemed to have broke the feed to MyBlogLog. Not sure what it doesn’t like as other RSS 2.

Tag Cloud

Coding and Web Design

I’ve been using the tag cloud concept on a lot of other sites and find it useful at times. The idea is pretty simple, supply keywords or tags to your content. Those tags are then counted and a tag cloud of links is displayed, with more frequent links larger then less frequent ones. Since my site was lacking in that capability, I decided to program it in.

Getting into that Web 2.0 Thing

Coding and Web Design

I’ve been hearing a lot about the Web 2.0, but not sure how much I’ve been participating. I signed up for a Digg account, but didn’t really get into it. I’m still not sure what is considered Web 2.0. If you check out Wiki's definition of Web 2.0, I’ve already been part of the whole Web 2.0 deal by blogging and using and creating RSS feeds. In many ways, my use of 360voice and its API probably qualify as well. After thinking about, maybe I do a lot more with Web 2.0 than I thought.

Unicode and the like

Coding and Web Design

I’ve run into a bit of an issue. XML uses UTF-8 encoding. I wouldn’t think it would be a big issue, but my web pages render in ISO-8859-1. Since my ISP uses perl 5.6.1, I can’t easily encode/decode between the two Unicode formats. So, I thought I’d just render my pages in UTF-8. Ouch, bigger headache. Now older articles don’t look right and some of the WebAPP code converts things wrong. I’m still looking for a solution. For now, you may find some things display wrong here.

Slideshow R2c and BlogCal Mod R2d Updates

Coding and Web Design

Sigh. Seems all I seem to do lately is update my Mods. Truth is, I’ve been working on another web site, but found some issues adding in my Slideshow Mod and decided, while I was there, to fix a few other minor annoyances I had with it. I also cleaned up some minor issues in BlogCal as well. For th