
A fun and fresh way to display changes I’ve been making on my blog.

Fixing ZX81 program breadcrumbs and other stuff.

Bug Fix Jul 15, 2024

I got an alert the other day that some of my ZX81 pages weren’t indexing correctly. In this case, Google was choosing a different canonical name than the one I provided. Digging into the code, I figured out why. A couple of the breadcrumbs were using the wrong link. Worse, I even had some of my conical links set up wrong.

First off, I had added in new program landing pages. Those were the links that errored. I’m still not sure how Google found them as I don’t link them anywhere yet. Somehow they did, so that meant I needed to fix the breadcrumbs and a few other things.

Like any diligent program, I dug into the code and went a completely different direction. Well, not quite, but close. I fixed all the canonical links. That wasn’t too difficult. But I didn’t like the way the bread crumbs were laid out. To better match the trail, I didn’t only fix the code. Instead, I added in the program and then the action to better follow the way the actions worked now.

While fixing that, I found some inconsistencies in the headers across the different ZX81 pages. I couldn’t have that. Thus, I fixed those as well. I’m not overly happy with the titles and the code isn’t great, but things are working again. I’ll do some cleanup work over the few days to ensure all is working as expected.

Fixing article author and weather station.

Bug Fix Jul 05, 2024

I made a couple of tweaks/fixes to the site today. The first was to correct broken weather station user bar and site. I doubt anyone noticed, but it is mostly working again until I decide on a long term plan for it.

The second was to correct missing author links. The writer looked like it was clickable, but went nowhere. This fixes that by linking to the author’s articles which for now are all mine. I still have work to do to make the author page look more interesting, but at least the links work now.

Fixing contact form.

Bug Fix Jun 30, 2024

Okay, I had a member notify me that the contact form wasn’t working. I found the issues and things are working again. I’m not satisfied with the way it works on the back-end, but at least it works again.

Fixed issue with blog config.

Bug Fix Jun 29, 2024

As I'm now using a build system for my site, most of the code is identical between dev and prod. The problem is that there are still a few hard coded elements that carried over. One was that the description text was from my dev site. I moved this into the configuration and it now reads correctly. More work needed there but should look better now.

Fixing annoyances.

Bug Fix May 28, 2024

Okay, spent the last few days fixing a few annoyances in the site. Some are more internal (i.e. the ZX81 routines weren’t setting the conical URL correctly). Others have been long standing. One of those was the HTML for the login routine wasn’t properly setting a value and is now fixed.

Something almost no users will notice, I fixed a bug where a newly published article wasn’t displaying. I’ve been working on a routine to allow creation of future articles and apparently that would hide articles published in the same day. That is corrected now, although the feature still needs some work to be complete.