Coding and Web Design

Asides on programing, languages, and mostly web design, page 3.

Blog Calendar R2c (Fix)

Coding and Web Design

Sigh. Another day, another bug. Seems that writing scripts for my theme meant that I was missing some issues that occur if you run Blog Calendar on a standard WebAPP install. So, here is the latest fix for your Blogging pleasure: Blog Calendar Mod

Migrated Site to WebAPP NE

Coding and Web Design

Well, after spending a few months adding back in my slide show and calendar, I’ve converted my site to WebAPP NE. Please let me know if anything doesn’t work quite right. My main reason to convert to WebAPP was to not have to start from scratch in writing my own comments system.

More BlogCal Fun

Coding and Web Design

JackDeth recommended a two calendar blog, and it was a note worthy challenge. I still need to package it up, but there are now two calendars at your disposal. If nothing else, I was able to clean the code up a bit and make it a bit more modular. So, anything else?

Blog Cal Working!

Coding and Web Design

Well, I have my Blog Calendar Mod working. You can now click the date and it will displays articles on that day. Took me a bit to figure out all the different routines that WebAPP uses to do things, but once I found the right code, it doesn’t look too bad. Now, I just need to package it up and g

Blog Calendar Mod

Coding and Web Design

Working on re-creating my Blog Calendar as a Mod for WebAPP NE. I think I have the MOD fleshed out, but I may have a slight problem. It doesn't appear that WebAPP can display articles based on date. 🙁 Maybe I should be creating a Blog module. 😃

WebAPP Back-end

Coding and Web Design

I’ve changed out my back-end Perl scripts using WebAPP — Web Automated Perl Portal System. The task of writing my own scripts to allow comments, article management, and all the security around them seemed more effort then I had time.

RSS Update

Coding and Web Design

Okay, you probably won’t see any differences, but my blog is now a valid RSS feed. Okay, may not seem by much, but I was actually trying to get it to work in IE7. If you have IE7, or other reader that recognizes the <categories> tag, you should see my categories as well.

That Calander Does Something

Coding and Web Design

Oh, that little calendar I said was worthless now actually does something! It now links back to the story files for a particular date. Also, I updated the design a bit to make the side bar floating and not merge with the footer.

What, another change!

Coding and Web Design

Well, yes. Another change! Okay, one that is for the better. I updated the slide show to use JavaScript to rotate the images. It is less annoying and doesn’t mess with your history. The other change is the addition of a calendar. Yes, a completely useless update. Sort of.

Design update and Slide Show

Design work, source

Although the display isn’t much different, the code behind my site has changed a bit. I’ve converted the site layout to CSS, no more <table> layouts. It takes a bit more work to get CSS to look right, but I think it is worth it. Most of the other changes are in the back end so that I can now start working on other site content.