View Word cloud Tag

Have some fun! Explore the 3 articles tagged with word cloud.

Revisiting Word Clouds: A Fun and Visual Way to Analyze Text

Word cloud from “Chunky Graphics for the ZX81: A New Way to See the Mandelbrot Set.”

I was futzing around with my site yesterday, checking stats and stuff. Seems my Wordle article using word clouds is one of the more popular ones. I have a feeling it relates more the game than the word cloud I wrote about it. After a quick view, I realized that the site I was linking to wasn’t active anymore. Thus, I began a short journey to find something else?

Playing Around With Wordle: Elevating ZX81 Content Through Word Clouds

Playing Around With Wordle: Elevating ZX81 Content Through Word Clouds

It isn’t all programming around here! Some days it is fun to just play around. I was adding an image to my other site which led to me reviewing some of my old Flickr images. This got me playing around with Wordle again to see what Tag Clouds I could build form the ZX81 articles.

Having a Few Words with Wordle

Wordle of Reid's for Fun by Steven Reid

I ran across Wordle while pursuing other Flickr photos. I was intrigued and decided to give it a whirl. I’d been avoiding installing Java on my machine due to my distaste for the poorly coded apps that tend to use it, but my desire to give Wordle a try overcame my desire to remain Java free. I ran it against my site with interesting results.