More Photosynth Fun
I’ve blogged about Photosynth before; however, that was when it was still a preview technology…
I’ve blogged about Photosynth before; however, that was when it was still a preview technology. Photosynth is now out for the general public to use.
It is still pretty cool technology. It has some things I’m not a big fan of—like the plug-in won’t work in Safari even though it it installs just fine. Also, if you want to use the creator, you have to log in and have an account. The technology isn’t for off-line use.
That said, it is still pretty cool. After a few attempts, I was able to get a group of photos with 100% synth. Enjoy Concorde Grapes, but only if you have IE7 or Firefox 2/3 on Windows.
Photosynth - Concorde Grapes by Steven Reid, on Flickr
Update – May 9th
Microsoft closed Photosyth on Feb 9th, 2017. Sadly, I didn’t realize it was closing and didn’t know to grab my synths. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!