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Have some fun! Explore the 5 articles tagged with electronic.

In My Head


I uploaded a new song to my ACID Planet Site today called In My Head. Something I started on the plane today to pass away the time. I wanted to put together something that felt like things weren’t right — like something is in my head, needing to get out. Interestingly, this isn’t at all how I was feeling, just what I musically wanted to mix together. Enjoy.

Hate You Again

Mind the Gap

I added a new song to my ACID Planet site last Tuesday called Hate You Again. It is my submission to the Distorted Reality Contest. I really liked the vocals and tried to use them to drive the song. The “hate you again” stood out to me and I used it to frame the mix. Enjoy. With the demise of AC



Okay, was playing around with ACID loops again. I've added another song to my ACID Planet site called Croak. This time, I’m playing with different sounds and beats to get a unique feel. Again, this one isn’t very long, so enjoy!

Speed Me Up


I added a new song to my ACID Planet site called Speed Me Up. I took an Asian melody and threw various electronic and heavy riffs at it. Not very long, unlike my earlier attempts, so give it a play!