ZX81 Assembly Listing for star.asm

ZX81 assembly listing for **STAR*SLR/2022

**STAR*SLR/2022 (star.asm)

My attempt at the Vintage Christmas Star Challenge. I created a BASIC version that I then converted to assembly. I didn't submit this as it was mostly for fun.


; Star - in z80 assembly for the ZX81 (12/2022)
;       45 bytes of machine code. Basically the same
;       algorithm as the BASIC one (below).

;10 FOR L = 1 TO 13
;20 LET A$="*************"( TO L)
;30 PRINT AT L,4;A$;AT 18-L,13-L;A$;AT L,13-L;A$;AT 18-L,4;A$
;40 NEXT L

org 16514

printat:        equ $08f5       ; rom routine to set location on screen

ld d,13                 ; 02 number of stars to print

  ; first point - d,4
  ld b,d                ; 03 set b (X) to d
  ld e,4                ; 05 set e (Y) to 4 (location)
  call print_char_at    ; 08

  ; second point - 18-d,4
  ld a,18               ; 10 calculate X position
  sub d                 ; 11
  push af               ; 12 save for later
  ld b,a                ; 13 set b (X) to a (e is 4 still)
  call print_char_at    ; 16

  ; third point - d,13-d
  ld b,d                ; 17 set b (x) to d
  ld a,13               ; 19 calculate Y position
  sub d                 ; 20
  ld e,a                ; 21 set e (Y) to a
  call print_char_at    ; 24

  ; forth point - 18-d,13-d
  pop bc                ; 25 restore b (X) (e is 13-d still)
  call print_char_at    ; 28

  dec d                 ; 29 decrement loop
  jr nz,loop            ; 31 until we are done!
ret                     ; 32

  push de               ; 33 save de as printat will distory it
  ld c,e                ; 34 b is X location, c is Y location
  call printat          ; 37 position character
  pop de                ; 38 restore de
  ld b,d                ; 39 number of stars to print
;        ld (hl),23      ; 41 alternate version
;        inc hl          ; 42 but no extra memory
        ld a,23         ; 41 the astrix character (ZX81)
        rst $10         ; 42 print char (ROM routine)
        djnz print_loop ; 44 and loop until done!
  ret                   ; 45