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re: re: ZX81 app for iOS
by Guest
The Z files example is a good point. The excellent Frotz has been around on iOS for a while with the download functionality. This is a grey area. Some might say that loaded external image and PDF files are a form of interpreted code. So either it doesn't meet Apple criteria/thresholds or the web import functionality, which is not advertised in the Frotz store description, hasn't reached their radar and gone unchallenged.

There was a time when Apple pulled iOS apps discovered with any interpreter functionality combined with an interface for entering code. The Manomio Commodore 64 app being a prime example after they discovered the BASIC interface a few days after initial public App Store release. Then circa 2011 the rules changed to allow programs to be manually entered. However, other loaded programs files are still supposed to be bundled. Hence, App Store hosted apps like Speculator and ZX81 will let you enter code but have no functionality to load external tape files.

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