
A fun and fresh way to display changes I’ve been making on my blog.

ZX81 program administration filters (internal).

New Feature Dec 31, 2022

Users won’t notice this change directly, but I added some filters to my program administration page. I wanted an easier way to search and find programs missing elements (think images, articles, etc.). To my surprise, I found a couple ZX81 programs missing their respective articles. I call that success.

User interface cleaning - Races, Profile, and more.

Announcement Feb 06, 2022

As I was moving icons over to Bootstrap’s, I started to notice that some inconsistencies in usage. Edit was sometimes a pencil, and sometimes a pencil in a square. I found the same problem with other icons. This led me down a journey of editing a large swath of files to make them more consistent. Given I was already there, I took the opportunity to make some enhancements to improve usage. I think everything is working, but I’m sure I have a few more bugs to squash.

Fun with Bootstrap Icons.

New Feature Jan 23, 2022

I’m giving Bootstrap icons a go on my site. I’ve been using FontAwesome for years, but it is always fun to try new things. You’ll still find a mix on the site while I work through all the files and articles. I really should turn my article header’s into some sort of BBCODE. That way as my style changes, I don’t have to edit hundred’s of articles.

Converting to UTF-8

New Feature Jan 09, 2022

For years, my site has been using Windows-1252 character encoding. Although it works, it isn’t considered HTML5 standard. I’d avoided the converting to UTF-8 in the past due to issues I kept running into. Today, I just made the switch and have been walking through pages and recent articles, fixing things. So far so good!

I do have some items still to fix. For all my custom code, I removed a troublesome module and that seemed to fix a lot of issues. I still need to dig deeper to see what, if anything, it may break. I did run all my changes through an HTML validator. So far so good.

Since I’m not going back to all 500+ articles on my site today, I will be slowly and updating them as I get to them. I doubt too many people will notice, but if they do I’ll jump on them sooner.

ZX81 player now supports Chroma.

Bug Fix Sep 29, 2021

I realized today that my z80 Digital Rain program wasn’t playing correctly. The javascript I was calling expected an element on the page that wasn’t present. I removed the element and included the correct routines to allow the Chroma hardware to display properly. Understanding the code a bit better, I might try to do some future clean-up. For now, things are working again.