2016 Camp NaNoWriMo Kickoff

It’s time to kick to the cobwebs and start writing again.

Camp NaNoWriMo Participant 2016As the rain falls on the last Sunday in March, I know that my website design will soon be put aside for a bit. It has been fun, yet other activities are looming. With spring comes Camp NaNoWriMo and I look forward to writing. That doesn’t mean I’m planning to drop everything, but I do want to finish the story I started last year.

Although I’m calling the effort Steel Strong Part II, the story actually began during last July’s Camp. Sadly, I didn’t get far that camp. In fact, both camps were a bust. I started out strong with a new story in April ’15 but then it just fizzled. Perhaps it was the nice weather that kept me away or just that I wanted to work on other projects. Either way, Camp wasn’t much fun.

Fortunately, NaNoWriMo was better. I dug back into the Steel Strong story last November. Unlike my previous attempts where I had to catch-up at the end, I was actually done early. I even put together an outline for the story, even though I didn’t always follow it. That is a good thing as it makes this Camp a little easier. Instead of worrying about what to write, I can focus on writing what I’ve already laid out.

Wish me luck.

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