Subtle Updates and Other Historical Back Steps
Written on Sep 30, 2013 by Steven
NewsI spent the last two days watching football and fixing up a few odds & ins around my sites. Probably the biggest change is the top menu. I’ve tried to match the style across each major site, including font and minor format changes. I also added my 360voice Dynamic Usersbars as a top-level site.

Given the Xbox One’s impending release, and my use of that domain for other userbars, I expect I’ll need to give it some attention in the coming months. Again, these are subtle changes, but I hope they unify the sites a bit better.

I also spent a fair amount of time updating my LEGO Ray Tracing site. I wanted it to match the width of my other sites so that the top menu properly aligned when visiting between them. Of course, never to leave well enough alone, I also updated the front text with the updates. I also took the time to fix any broken links.

Since many of the links were from the late ‘90s and have since stopped working, I ended up using the Wayback Machine to link back to them. While searching for new links I also found GEOCITIES.WS, which I used to link back to archived GeoCities content.

I found myself waxing nostalgic looking back on all these seemingly ancient sites from the Internet’s early days. Fortunately, time moves on and I really, and I mean really, need to redesign and bring my LEGO Ray Tracing into the present. Sadly, white on black is not the new flat.


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