What do ugly april showers bring? Why, pretty lego renders!

Between running and bad weather, I‘ve been busy rendering some new pictures!

Okay, the weather hasn’t been that bad, but we did get a few showers. In either case, I found time to render a few more images: A remake, a new build, and someone else’s. Here are three pictures to round out your week.

Let’s start with the remake. After some clean-up, Scrubs added my old minifig parts (15 & 17) to Mecabricks. Wanting to try them out, I updated my build of 699 Photo Safari. Because this was a remake, unlike my first test, I was able to use the advanced template. As a result, the image is the closest yet to what you’d find in the ’77 catalog.

[Image]699 Photo Safari with Updated Minifig by Steven Reid, on Flickr

For the new, I had fun building LEGO’s latest mini build in Mecabricks last Thursday. Upping the samples and adding focal blur, I then rendering it overnight to create this cute Chick.

[Image]40242 Chick by Steven Reid, on Flickr

Interested by the LEGO skyline sets, the Sydney set stood out and I thought it’d be a fun to render. Having found it already built, I grabbed an export for a quick render. Playing around with different HDRi’s, the one I used gave the scene a nice sunset look.

[Image]21032 Sydney by Steven Reid, on Flickr

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