Making My Blog CO2 Neutral, and You Can Too

Here’s an interesting idea, plant a tree and offset the carbon emissions produced by your blog…

Here’s an interesting idea, plant a tree and offset the carbon emissions produced by your blog. And, even better, you can make it happen for free! That is the premise behind Mach's grün's Carbon Neutral campaign. Just blog about their initiative and the “Arbor Day Foundation,” their partner in the US, will plant a tree in the Plumas National Forest on your behalf.

This blog is carbon neutral. Yours too?This blog is carbon neutral. Yours too?

Their site has some good information on how and why this initiative works. The idea is that a blog produces about 8 lbs of CO2 and a tree absorbs about 11 lbs. By planting a tree, your blog becomes carbon neutral letting you and your visitors feel you've done a small part in making the world a little greener. I like trees and blogs, so the two together sound pretty good to me. If this sounds like something you'd like to get into yourself, then select the image to get your own carbon neutral coupon.

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